Scan this QR code to find out why physicians trust RESILIA tissue valve technology The INSPIRIS RESILIA aortic valve is now the marketleading valve worldwide *at the time of this advertisement. No clinical data are available that evaluate the long-term impact of RESILIA tissue in patients. Medical device for professional use. For a listing of indications, contraindications, precautions, warnings, and potential adverse events, please refer to the instructions for use (consult where applicable). Edwards, Edwards Lifesciences, the stylized E logo, Carpentier-Edwards, Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT, COMMENCE, INSPIRIS, INSPIRIS RESILIA, Magna, Magna Ease, PERIMOUNT Magna, and RESILIA are trademarks or service marks of Edwards Lifesciences Corporation or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2023 Edwards Lifesciences Corporation. All rights reserved. PP--EU-6360 v1.0 Edwards Lifesciences • Route de l’Etraz 70, 1260 Nyon, Switzerland • The INSPIRIS RESILIA aortic valve has treated nearly 200’000 patients* across the globe. Built on the Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna Ease platform, this valve features RESILIA tissue, a bovine pericardial tissue with advanced anti-calcification properties. Unlike other valves, the INSPIRIS RESILIA valve is specifically designed to deliver a controlled and predictable expansion during valve-in-valve deployment, providing a patient lifetime management solution for surgeons.